On the other hand, you have people that will run away to go and live their fantasy the minute an opportunity to do so presents itself.

This doesn’t mean that they will run off with the person they are fantasizing about because they value and love you even in the rut that your relationship has found itself in. Some people just like to fantasize about a different life, especially when things have gotten a little routine ergo boring in the relationship. Now, whether this is something you need to worry about or not, depends on the kind of person your girlfriend is. However, if you frequent a place and your girlfriend keeps looking at the same guy every time you catch her, she might be imagining what life would be like with him and creating a whole future with him in her head. Because if she is looking at different guys, chances are she is just admiring from afar but likely won’t do anything about it. Pay attention to the kind of guy(s) she is looking at are they all similar in some way? Height, weight, sense of style, hygiene, parlance? Are they similar to you or completely different? But most importantly, is it the same guy, or is she looking at different guys. The most obvious, and therefore first on our list is that she is interested in the other guy. If you have to ask “why is my girlfriend looking at other guys?” it means you have noticed it has been going on for a while and it bothers you that she does this.